Saturday, March 28, 2009

Texas Baby

One day Dan came home and said he wanted to go do summer sales I said ok! So we are moving to Dallas Texas to sale APX alarms. Okay it didn't go exactly like that but pretty close. We are so excited for this new experience. Dan can't stop talking about it, he is going to do awesome and I can't wait to hang out at the pool with Lola everyday. We have really met some wonderful people and look forward to spending the summer with them. We really feel that this has all worked out just perfectly and that Heavenly Father is always watching over us. My testimony is constantly being strengthened to see the Lord's hands in all things no matter how big or small. I'm grateful that he truly cares about our everyday decisions.


Jen said...

Oh that is cool! Have fun in Tejas! What a good experience!

casey.chelsea.cali said...

I can't WAIT for this summer with y'all!!! It is going to be sooo much fun:) And I agree...Dan is going to do awesome

The Greens said...

Wow! texas....sounds like fun. we miss you guys! happy 3rd :)

Sarah said...

I'm so excited for you guys! I hope you have a blast!


We'll miss you - have fun, but don't forget about us - love you guys!

The Maughan's said...

Laura.. Texas will be great! A summer next to the pool sounds fabulous : )